What to Consider When Looking for Commercial Landscaping Companies in Canton, MI

Whether your commercial landscaping project is modest or extravagant, you want a welcoming atmosphere, safety for your employees and visitors, a positive impact on the community, and a look that positively reflects on your business. Choosing the best company for the job is important, but not always easy. Here’s what to consider when looking for commercial landscaping companies in Canton, MI.

Match Your Needs to the Capabilities of the Company

What to Consider When Looking for Commercial Landscaping Companies in Canton, MI

Eliminate quite a few potential candidates by knowing your needs as well as the capabilities of the landscaping company. The company you ultimately choose should have proven experience in the type of project you are looking to have done and an understanding of the unique needs that a commercial hardscape project entails. The company’s portfolio should give you a good idea of its range of capabilities as well as whether they even mention commercial properties on its website. It’s unlikely that you want to be the test case for a design/build company that only helps homeowners and is hoping to expand into commercial properties. A key skill to look out for is an understanding of logistics. Your project may be held up by bureaucracy within your company or municipal organizations, and you need a landscaping company that can help you communicate with stakeholders involved and work within the timelines presented.

Image Source - Unilock

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Know Their Reputation and Qualifications

Closely related to knowing their capabilities, you want to know whether the companies are qualified to handle your specific needs. You could start by asking about their licenses and industry qualifications, and any certifications. Also inquire about whether the company uses its own equipment and employees or if it subcontracts the work out (ideally, you want to work with a company that owns its equipment and has qualified employees to handle the work). Finally, you will want to verify what the landscaping company tells you about its expertise by reading any online reviews and seeking out references. Quality of work and customer service should go hand-in-hand.

Know Their Impact

When your company’s reputation is on the line, you may also want to spend some time in the research process asking questions about the landscaping companies’ sustainability efforts. Whether they are green or not in their practices could affect which contractor you ultimately choose. Landscaping companies that are sustainability minded can help you come up with ways to make your property as sustainable as possible, such as by opting for permeable pavers over traditional pavers.

Single Point of Contact

Ideally, you want to have a relationship with an account manager—a single point of contact—you can contact anytime you need to. Talking to someone different every time you call is not only frustrating but inefficient. Landscaping companies that highly value customer service recognize their clients are pressed for time and are unlikely to waste yours.

Check Out Their Staff

First impressions are telling. Ask to see ongoing or past projects and see how the staff presents themselves. Look for professionalism and a strong focus on good craftsmanship and customer service. Does the company value employees and keep them over multiple seasons and provide ongoing training? How the company presents itself will be telling about the kind of appearance they will be creating for your commercial property.